Friday, September 11, 2009


Ever since discovering I Know Jack.Com, Jack FM, I've been immersed in 'my music' from back in the day, the 70's and 80's. Last night I actually closed the laptop and watched a tv show in it's entirety and I called for a cone of silence from the kids. What show? Glee. It is one hour of awesomeness.

And because I heart the original:

©2008-2009 Fire Crotch Rocket


Julie from JulieChats said...

Ahh...Journey, I dated a guy in high school who played in a band that did lots of Journey covers at our school dances, makes me smile to think about it....

Just stoppin' in from Ann's VGNO!

Drahdrah said...

Oh my goodness, that brings back memories !!! Happy VGNO.;

I am Harriet said...

Woohoo! Go Mullets!

Kelly said...

We agree. Glee is all kinds of awesome!

robin said...

Oh, I love me some 80s! "Separate Ways" is one of my fave Journey songs. Soooo earnest! LOL!
Happy GNO!

Tania said...

Happy VGNO!