Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lesbian Foster Parent's Victory

West Virginia Court Sides With Gay Couple in Custody Case. According to this article "Current law, the court says, encourages adoption by qualified foster parents and either Kutil or Hess should be considered - and perhaps favored - as a prospective parent."

Congratulations to Kathryn Kutil and Cheryl Hess on their victory. They plan on pursuing adoption of the 18 month old foster child.

©2008-2009 Fire Crotch Rocket


Unknown said...

YAY!! another child released into loving, caring, nurturing arms.. What more could any society want for their children?

Lola said...

Exactly! It's just too bad that it's taking so much litigation to get judges/lawmakers to understand that.

Diane said...

this is a good thing. everyone needs love!

thanks for stopping by my blog! your blogs are great!